Your membership to our Association isn’t just a magazine or email updates; it’s so much more. Through your membership dues and through Fine Disbursement Program, we issue Bullet Proof Vest Grants to smaller agencies who otherwise may not be able to update vest for their officers. Additionally, we provide over 60 Policies on our website at no cost to the agency; these policies cover high risk/critical incidents that an agency can face. They are continually updated, and color coded to distinguish between State, Federal, and Best Practices offered by well-respected organizations such as the IACP, PERF, and the Legal Liability Risk Management Institute (LLRMI).

Our Annual Conference is the highlight of the year for our members because of the speakers we can bring in to provide you training on current topics that concern us in law enforcement. We also host other training opportunities throughout the year; watch for emails and website updates on new training for you and your officers to take advantage of.

We also invite you to send us your training events, job postings or anything else you feel that other agencies in the state would have an interest in and we’ll make sure our members are made aware of it through our email blast.

Thank you,

Gary Sipes
Executive Director